by Leo Ramos
August 2014
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Agile Technical Support was originally published as a White Paper, available here.
プレゼンは[ Agile Technical Support ] という英語版の白書から取れています。全文をご覧になるには、このリンクでアクセスしてください。
Businesses transform to become more Agile in software development. Here are some tips toward applying the learnings to a technical support / operations team. Emphasis points of this paper:
ソフトウェア業界では、アジャイル手法を導入して、開発を磨き上げたい企業が多いです。 このプレゼンでは、テクニカルサポート/運用チームが適用できるノウハウを伝えます。 主な内容は次のようになります。
We regularly recorded improvements exceeding 10x in this metric. Comparisons exceeding 50x were also not rare. Overall, the benchmark averaged about 16x - we were 16 times better on this metric after our process changes.
The definition and calculation of this metric can be found in the White Paper: available here.
"アジャイルスループット"という指標に10倍を超える大きな改善を記録しました。 時々50倍を超えるケースもありました。改善の結果は、合わせて16倍ぐらいスループットの改善ができました。
この指標についての詳細はWP全文に載っていますので このリンクでアクセスしてください。
The time to resolve tickets, or cycle time, was in aggregate almost twice as fast: improvement occurred in the ratio of 7 to 3.65 (avg. days to resolve a ticket)
As the company was rallying to become Agile in developer teams, there were resources available to learn.
Even as part of the support team in operations, outside the flurry of Agile transformation, it looked like there were practices we could apply.
The most significant of these was Little's Law.
Originally published by John D.C. Little (1961): “A Proof for the Queuing Formula: L = λ W”
, Operations Research, Vol. 9, No. 3.
John D.C. Little氏 (1961出版): "“A Proof for the Queuing Formula: L = λ W”", Operations Research, Vol. 9, No. 3.
Little's Law states that
“The average number of customers in a system (over some interval) is equal to their average arrival rate, multiplied by their average time in the system.”
Also, for the law to hold, the values must represent long-term averages of a stable system.
“待ち行列理論において 平均化した顧客数は、平均化した到着率と、平均化した顧客が系に費やす時間の積に等しい”
The equation, originally L equals lambda W, is also commonly rewritten in the form [ WIP = TH * CT ].
この方程式、L = λ W は WIP = TH * CT という表し方もあります。
Over the years, it has been applied in operations management settings, including factory operations. And for software development in Agile "kanban" systems.
With technical support issues, reducing cycle time is what customers push for - resolving their tickets faster.
To improve cycle time, only two approaches can be taken:
to increase throughput
to reduce work in progress
長年にかけて運用管理や工場運用に適用されています。 ソフトウェア開発のKanbanシステムにも有名になって来ました。
WIP (work-in-progress)の削減
Even without Scrum or kanban, we can still do something: we can reduce WIP!
Something we borrow from Agile: visualization of work. We make sure we have tools to view our work and our WIP (how many tickets each of us owns at a time).
With multiple tickets owned, and only one being worked on at any time, work is inefficient: time owning tickets runs away from time working on tickets.
アジャイルのベストプラクティスを取り入れて: 作業内容の見える化。見える化に便利なツールと習慣を確保しておきます。
Top sequence = 3 tasks in process at any time, and the throughput is 1/3 of a task per hour. Per formula, WIP = TH * CT [ 3 = 1/3 * 9 ].
Bottom sequence has reduced WIP = 1 task in process, and the throughput is 1/3 of a task per hour (same as above). Per formula, WIP = TH * CT [ 1 = 1/3 * 3 ].
上のシーケンス: WIP = 3; スループット = 1/3 (タスク/時)。 方程式により、WIP = TH * CT [ 3 = 1/3 * 9 ]。
下のシーケンス: WIP = 1; スループット = 1/3 (タスク/時)。 方程式により、WIP = TH * CT [ 1 = 1/3 * 3 ]。
As shown in the task sequence diagram, the same throughput yields widely different cycle times as Work in Progress varies.
To improve cycle time for technical support:
Matt Stine gives an excellent description of context (or task) switching for Digital Zone:
“Of all of the wastes confronting us as software developers, this one is perhaps the deadliest. Deep concentrated thinking is required for even minimum effectiveness as a software developer. Interruptions are the ultimate enemy of deep concentrated thinking, and any task switch constitutes an interruption.”
Any opinions about how much context switching affects an operations team? (as opposed to developers)
コンテキストスイッチについて、Digital ZoneにMatt Stine 氏がこう語りました。
“ ソフトウェア開発者にとって、いろいろな浪費の中で、これが一番痛いです。効率を維持するため、集中し続けることが必要です。集中の巨大な敵は邪魔されることだといえます。コンテキストスイッチは単なる邪魔されることです。”
Here are examples of workflow sequences where there is some context switching between tasks. This is just for illustration, but in practice we could usually measure the cycle times and use the data to determine the throughput.
今度のシーケンスは、コンテキストスイッチも表しています。 実際には、ワークフローを測って、サイクルタイムとWIPがわかって、スループットを計算することができます。
Referring to the sequence diagrams in the previous slide, we can apply Little's Equation and derive throughput.
There is some measurable throughput degradation associated with more context switching.
As shown in the combined task sequence diagram, throughput is impaired by task switching. Higher WIP not only increases cycle time directly as Little's Law describes, it also decreases throughput due to task switching waste.
To improve cycle time for technical support:
Reducing WIP improves cycle time directly as Little's Law describes.
It also improves cycle time indirectly - fewer task switches results in less waste, higher throughput.
スループットはコンテキストスイッチにより阻まれます。リトルの法則が説明していることは高いWIPがサイクルタイムを悪化させます。しかし、もう一つの効果があります。 高いWIPに伴うマルチタスクワークフロー自体がコンテキストスイッチの浪費を増やしています。この浪費がさらにサイクルタイムをを悪化させます。
WIP の削減は直接効果があります。
It never made sense for us to fully adopt a Scrum or Kanban methodology, but still we were free to consider Agile practices to find those which worked best for us.
Here are some which we used:
Our team was small and faced constantly changing requirements.
Primarily, there were continuous changes in the volume and priority of tickets, to which we would regularly need to adjust.
The White Paper contains a full outline of the life cycle. It follows these main phases:
白書にはライフサイクルの詳細が書いてあります。 主な段階はこの四つあります
The cycle of a technical support issue can often be more complex than factory production because the flow of any issue
So the "production line" analogy does not hold.
How did we manage the complexity?
First, we did not set any hard limit to WIP.
We knew that a low WIP is ideal, but faced a reality check: we needed to be flexible to "pushed interruptions".
From a customer's point of view, the most important level is the Life Cycle to the point "Release of the fix."
We instituted a project manager approach to every story because the customer's point of view was not getting enough traction. In "production line" mode, some support tickets would get ignored.
The tickets that flow into a backwater are essentially all additional WIP in the big picture.
ただ、この立場は十分に注目されていませんでした。 チケット毎のプロジェクトマネジャー役割を取る制度はこれの対策でした。 以前のプロジェクトマネジャー無しワークフローでは、チケットが無視されてしまうことがありました。
Agile Technical Support becomes more than just a step on a production line.
In addition to keeping low WIP at the team level, the expanded role that our team took on was to manage tickets across the entire Life Cycle. We wouldn't let them be ignored.
This helps keep WIP low at the full Life Cycle level, and improves cycle time.
We measured cycle time at the story level, at the individual level, and at the team level.
Previously, "greedy multitasking" was the norm. When too much attention is given to individual work loads (by managers evaluating performance, for example), or in times when support capacity doesn't meet the customer demand for support services, team throughput can suffer. For us it took this form I called greedy multitasking.
サイクルタイムをいくつかの単位で測っていました: ストーリー、個人とチーム単位。
以前のパターンは貪欲にマルチタスクしていました。 個人の作業量が重視され過ぎている時や顧客からのサポート需要がキャパシティを超える時、チームのスループットは低下しがちでした。 このことを"貪欲にマルチタスクする"と名づけました。
There are three reasons why greedy multitasking is not Agile:
Team Work in Progress means neither greedy nor multitasking. And it brings other benefits to managers, including resource scaling and better decision metrics.
Some suggestions for project managing in the Agile Tech Support way (each ticket / story is a project):
The following are some of the lessons learned from experience:
Agile transformation continues to improve development in the software industry.
Agile Technical Support is available as a 24-page White Paper, located here.